Our Story

Complete Health Cairns provides you with the best Accredited Exercise Physiologists, Accredited Exercise Scientists and Massage Therapists that Cairns has to offer. 

Our approach to health and well-being is collaborative and holistic utilising our network of Allied Health and Natural Medicine Practitioners of Cairns to help you reach your lifestyle. We help guide you through the process of transformation enabling you to take charge of what goals or health conditions no matter how big or small they may be.

Our holistic approach includes looking at not only exercise but movement, facilitating goal setting, helping you to improve food choice and nutrition, provide ways for you to “chill out” and reduce the stress load on your body, who else can help improve the function of your body through hormonal regulation and much more.

We take pride in our high standards when it comes to client care and really put the “personal” in personalised.

We provide an Exercise Studio for people who wish to exercise knowing their program is being managed by a highly qualified professional. 

Our Exercise Studio is the one for you if you want:

  1. Personalised friendly exercise studio for you to exercise safely
  2. Constant supervision whilst you exercise
  3. Specific tailored exercise plan to meet your needs
  4. Client management to ensure you are meeting your goals
  5. Fun, social and interactive.

Our Team








Scott Payne
Senior Accredited Exercise Physiologist








Alysha Duncan
Accredited Exercise Physiologist








Mikaela Dorney
Accredited Exercise Scientist & Massage Practitioner








Jenny Bremner
Pilates Instructor








Yuri Bush
Yoga Instrutor

Our Benefits

  • Health Fund Rebates
  • Medicare
  • Services provided for NDIS, DVA, WorkCover

Address: 6/566 Mulgrave Road, Woree

Call: (07) 4049 1102

Email: admin@complete-health.net.au

Studio & Consultation Hours

Monday 8am-6pm

Tuesday 8am-6pm

Wednesday 8am-6pm

Thursday 8am-6pm

Friday 8am-12pm

Saturday by appointment